Edmonton is friendly and busy and full of ideas that cause a crafty person an overload of ideas. My sketch book is full of visions I want to create. The streets have finally exposed themselves after being encased in the thickest ice I've ever seen on roads. The traffic would make tire ruts in the solid ice and driving made me nervous, I was convinced the mound in the middle of the road would take out the under carriage of the vehicle, it was wild. I'm anxious to see what the parks will look like green. Aaahh, spring. Throw the windows open and breathe in its goodness.
I've joined a few swaps this month. A favorite color swap, 3 items in your partner's favorite color, a wacky, under-celebrated may holiday swap, all those days that have been dubbed reminders of some ridiculous thing or other, I found May was asparagus month, I'm sure it was honored. It sounded like fun though, some of the things one could make or buy in accordance to these holidays, fun. And I joined a spring flower bookmark swap. I never have enough bookmarks, in a pinch I tear up a piece of used paper to mark pages. Looking forward to exchanging goodie. I am terrible at taking pictures and loading them but I will climb on my back and nag myself until I grab the camera out of desperation for peace and quiet. I'll post some pics here of the prizes coming and going.
I promise I won't take 6 months to post again. It was a hectic winter and I'm glad things are settled a bit so I can get my groove back. Enjoy the sun and Happy Spring!